
Be Nice to Nerds T-Shirt



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Thank god for the shifting tides. When I was a kid being a nerd was a dangerous prospect. Nothing worse than showing the class you were smarter than all of them and then sucking at sports during recess. My fairly incompetent school district (CUSD) didn't get around to testing me until halfway through sixth grade and suddenly realized I should have been in the GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) program years ago. Instead, I kept getting stuck in classes with morons. The real irony was they decided not to transfer me that year. Instead, they told Mrs. Ball, my 6th grade teacher, to give me more work to do. It was like winning the class biggest loser contest and your reward was a swift kick in the nuts.

Of course, my mom took that test result as an excuse to enroll me in every brain class in high school, where I punished her by getting a steady string of mediocre grades. I figured out I could sleep in class and pretty much get steady B's. Thank god for my SAT scores or I would never have gotten into college.

Anyway, these days nerds have power and money. Of course, a lot of it depends on where they went to school. Here is a list of 15 top nerds and where they went to school. I find it disconcerting that none of them went to my old school, UC Irvine. Oh, well.

Here is an article from the UK about how it's cool to be a nerd. There's something in the British mentality that revels in stating the obvious, I guess. Good for people trying to link interesting stuff for t-shirt descriptions.

The only thing I am bitter about is the concept of nerds being sexy and attractive to women these days has yet to play out for me. When I tell women about my interests they look at me like I just revealed my second face coming out of the back of my head. I don't know how other nerds make it work but I can't. Maybe its just the women I meet. Most of them are pretty boring corporate types. Actually their lives always sound like boring hell to me. It could be some of that attitude creeps out and their perception of me. It wouldn't be the first time my subconscious has crept in and screwed me up (odds are it wouldn't be the 132,876th either, if you know what I mean).

Anyway, I like this shirt. I am also glad when I get a shirt on a color other than black (although I personally wear a lot of black). Since I work for myself, and am indeed a nerd, I guess this shirt is true. I think I'll be nice to a nerd and go buy myself a frozen yogurt.

September 10th, 2010

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  • Gold T shirt
  • Standard 18/1 thickness material
  • 100% cotton not pre shrunk
  • Large fit

Sizing Chart for Be Nice to Nerds T-Shirt TRV-ATA2125-AT

Be Nice to Nerds T-Shirt

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